Monthly Archives: October 1963

21-28 October 1963 – Visit to the Soviet Union

In implementing an effective policy of dealing with both super powers in the Cold War, Mrs Bandaranaike undertook a State Visit to Moscow, with the aim of strengthening relations between the two countries and continuing the international efforts she had undertaken in the short span of three years since her election. As the first Sri

17-20 October 1963 – Visit to Poland

Mrs Bandaranaike’s tour took her to Poland, a country with which Prime Minister S. W. R. D. Bandaranaike had established diplomatic relations in 1957. In Warsaw, at the invitation of Prime Minister Josef Cyrankiewcz, she was feted, especially by the Polish Women’s League which drew inspiration from her achievements. During her brief visit she also

14-17 October 1963 – Visit to Czechoslovakia

Arriving in Prague, Mrs Bandaranaike conferred with her Czech counterpart Jozef Lenart and with President Antonin Novotny, focusing their attention on issues concerning solidarity, especially with nations that were still struggling under colonial domination. Trade and commerce featured in their discussions with Ceylonese exports being promoted in the Czech market.

09–14 October 1963 – Visit to the United Arab Republic

With Ceylon being held in high esteem by the Egyptian people owing to the stand of the country during the tripartite aggression against Egypt in 1956, which was before the establishment of diplomatic relations, Mrs Bandaranaike was accorded a warm welcome by President Gamel Abdel Nasser and Prime Minister Ali Sabry. Disarmament and tension in