Author Archives: kosala

Vipassana Meditation Centre

11th Commonwealth Prime Ministers’ Conference

Sworn in as a senator

Assassination of Prime Minister Bandaranaike

Joined the Lanka Mahila Samithi

Marriage to S.W.R.D. Bandaranaike

Birth of Sirimavo Ratwatte

26 June 1974 – Sri Lanka receives Kachchativu Island

The island of Kachchativu in the Palk Strait, having been a subject of controversy, was finally demarcated to lie on Sri Lanka’s side of the maritime boundary after intense negotiations on the part of Mrs Bandaranaike with her Indian counterpart Indira Gandhi. The agreement reached between the two Prime Ministers resolved a long standing issue

08 January 1963 – To China to seek concurrence for Colombo proposals

Mrs Bandaranaike visited China to apprise the Chinese Government on the outcome of the deliberations in Colombo. She secured a positive response and China expressed its gratitude to Mrs Bandaranaike for her initiative and efforts to promote a peaceful settlement. The visit was also an opportunity to reaffirm the Bandung Principles, whereby it was agreed

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14 October 2000 – Final Journey

Mrs Bandaranaike’s demise made headlines across the world as nations mourned the passing of an exemplary leader who had paved the way for women, promoted and protected the values of non-alignment and articulated the cause of the developing world. Thousands paid their last respects as she was laid to rest alongside her husband, Prime Minister

10 October 2000 –End of an era

Having cast her vote at the Sanghabodhi Maha Vidyalaya in Nittambuwa for the General Election of 2000, Sirimavo Bandaranaike had carried out her last civic duty and was returning to Colombo when she passed away peacefully, thus ending a life of service and distinction.

10 August 2000 – Resignation from Premiership

Owing to ill health, Mrs Bandaranaike tendered her resignation from the office of Prime Minister and opted to retire from the political arena. Having been the world’s oldest serving Prime Minister when she stepped down at the age of 84, Mrs Bandaranaike’s resignation ended a four decade long political career that had seen her reach

14 November 1994 – Presidential Election

Within months of the General Election, the Presidential Election was held in November 1994. Mrs Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga obtained a record 62% of the votes cast, resulting in her resigning from the office of Prime Minister to take up the higher office. Mrs Bandaranaike was sworn in as Prime Minister for the third time, a

19 August 1994 – Minister without Portfolio

The General Election of 1994 saw Mrs Bandaranaike’s daughter, Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga sweeping the polls, securing 48.94 percent of the vote and ensuring the return of the Sri Lanka Freedom Party to the helm of politics, as the main partyin the Peoples Alliance, a coalition of political parties. As the senior most politician in the

11 June 1994 – Establishment of the Bandaranaike International Diplomatic Training Institute

Mrs Bandaranaike initiated the establishment of a diplomatic training institute which would support the professional Foreign Service and ensure the provision of sound training for career diplomats. She mandated Dr Vernon L. B. Mendis, Sri Lanka’s senior most career diplomat at the time, from the first batch of the Foreign Service of Ceylon, to be

9 March 1989 – Leader of the Opposition for the second time

Following her election to the Parliament, Sirimavo Bandaranaike was appointed Leader of the Opposition when Parliament was convened in March 1989, a post she held until the dissolution of Parliament on 24 June 1994.

15 February 1989 – Defeat at the General Election

Following the dissolving of Parliament on 20 December 1988, General Elections were called for February 1989. Mrs Bandaranaike led the Sri Lanka Freedom Party securing 67 seats, resulting in the SLFP emerging as the second largest political party in Parliament.

19 December 1988 – Defeat at the Presidential Election

Mrs Bandaranaike contested the Presidential Election for the first time in 1988. Articulating her stance against the Indo-Lanka Peace Accord, the 13th Amendment to the Constitution, the presence of the Indian Peace Keeping Force in Sri Lanka as well as suppression of political supporters and human rights violations by the Government in power, Mrs Bandaranaike

13 November 1988 -Contesting the Presidential Election

With the calling of the Presidential Election for 19 December 1988, Mrs Bandaranaike commenced her campaign in Nittambuwa where she held her first election rally after handing over nominations. Returning once more to the mainstream of politics, Mrs Bandaranaike campaigned throughout the country and was one of three contestants at the Presidential Election, the others